Board of Directors

Ennio Arengi
, Chairman, 1930-2009, In Memoriam
Born in 1930 and graduated in Law at the University of Padua, Italy, Mr. Arengi practiced law for 35 years. From the mid 1960s he became involved in various entrepreneurial activities, serving as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of various companies, including FIDIA FARMACEUTICI, a leading Italian pharmaceutical company.
Mr. Arengi was Director of the Board of various corporations and held several institutional appointments. He was President of Industriali di Padova and Vice President of Industriali del Veneto, the federations of entrepreneurs of Padua and the Veneto region respectively, and Member of the Giunta di Farmindustria, the federations of pharmaceutical companies operating in Italy.
In 1992 Mr. Arengi was awarded the high honor of Cavaliere di Gran Croce by the President of Italy.

Fabrizio Arengi Bentivoglio, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Born in 1964, he graduated in Business Administration from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. He received a Master of Business Administration from Stern New York University School of Business, double-majoring in Marketing and Management.
Mr. Arengi Bentivoglio started his career in management consulting with Ernst & Young in New York and subsequently held several positions at some of the most important pharmaceutical multinationals in the United States including Hoffmann-La Roche, where he worked in finance, Pfizer, where he was responsible for business development, and Bristol-Myers Squibb where he held the position of marketing director.
He draws on his extensive professional experience having worked in the United States, Europe and the emerging markets including China, India and Latin America.
He serves on the Board of Directors of the merchant bank MC Square LLC, the governance consulting firm Morrow Sodali Global LLC and is a member of the Council for the United States and Italy.


Albina Candian is Full Professor of Comparative Civil Law at the Universitá degli Studi di Milano.
She was Visiting Professor at Universite’ Paris II, Professor at the Faculté de Droit Comparé de Strasbourg  and Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, University of California at Berkeley and Oxford University.
She is currently teaching “Financial and Insurance Markets Law” at the Scuola di Polizia Tributaria di Ostia (Guardia di Finanza) on behalf of Universita’ degli Studi di Milano.
Albina Candian is member of the l’Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé, member of the Association Henry Capitant and member of the Italian Association of Civil Law.
The Central Bank of Italy nominated Professor Candian President of the Monitoring Committee of Banca Network Investimenti S.p.A. She is also Member of the Board of Sara Assicurazioni Spa.


Enrico Maria Tabellini, Independent Director
Born in 1968, he graduated in Law from Universita’ degli Studi, Milan, Italy. After specializing in the United States in corporate law, he returned to Italy and joined the law firm of Professor Paolo M. Tabellini, where he focused on civil and corporate law including how this relates to publicly traded companies. Mr. Tabellini has authored several publications on civil and tax law and co-authored a publication on the 2009 funds repatriation in Italy published by Giuffrè. Mr. Tabellini is on the Board of Directors of many companies including “Marco Tronchetti Provera & C. Sapa” where he is President of the Statutory Auditors and the governance consulting firm Morrow Sodali Global LLC.